About Us
Our experience includes successful litigation of claims before the Superior Courts of California, Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, the Rehabilitation Unit and Appellate Courts. Collectively, our experience includes experience as a workers’ compensation adjuster and hearing representative specializing in defense litigation for both self-insured and insured employers; including municipalities (LC 4850) and school districts.
Clients are attracted to us due to our well-earned reputation for service. The evidence? A majority of our cases are received as referrals by existing clients. Our goal is to become dependent counselors for clients to have confidence in. Providing quality service requires a substantial effort by all lawyers and staff within the firm. Accordingly, our partners are actively involved in our clients’ matters proving the best guarantee that our work on each project will surpass clients’ expectations.
At Domingo Elias & Vu, our collective knowledge and expertise is fully dedicated to the successful litigation of claims before the Superior Courts of California, Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board, the Rehabilitation Unit and Appellate Courts.
Collectively, our legal team excels above average with over 50 years of experience. The foundation of our knowledge has been grounded in multiple areas of expertise such as: workers’ compensation adjuster’s and hearing representatives who’ve specialized in defense litigation for both self-insured and insured employers; including municipalities (LC 4850) and school districts.
We attract lifelong clients with noteworthy dedication and a well-earned reputation for quality service. A great deal of our cases are direct referrals from existing clients. We are confident that our professional legal team will go above and beyond to reach your expectations. Our team strives to be trusted, dependent counselors for each and every client to have complete confidence in. Our partners are wholeheartedly involved in each clients’ matters, working diligently to surpass clients’ expectations. Providing quality service is a fundamental assurance that all lawyers and staff believe in at, Domingo Elias & Vu.